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What our Customers are saying about Propel Hockey 

"Coach Dave was one of my son’s first hockey coaches at age 7. He taught the team how to play the game of hockey. More importantly, he taught them how to be humble winners, and to display good sportsmanship when they didn’t win. He taught them to respect each other and to respect the coaches. My son is now 16, playing AAA hockey and hopefully headed for a college hockey experience. He is still in touch with Coach Dave and welcomes his advice".

M. Velick (CYA)

"Coach Dave is all about positive impact. And he's made just that on both of our boys (a bantam minor & a minor mite). The strength of his coaching stems from his hockey & speed skating background, his competitive track record, his personal belief system, and his unique personality. Dave breaks down the game in a way that makes sense to kids and gives them context about how to think and understand, not just do. He also looks at each kid as an individual and given the opportunity, gets to know them and their game, which makes for the most effective teaching. Dave's pure passion and love for teaching children paired with his love for the game of hockey is incomparable. If you're looking to develop your child's hockey game in a meaningful way, our family highly recommends Coach Dave."

P. Chiemmongkoltip (Northbrook)

Coach Dave CARES tremendously about everyone he works with. My son had a pleasure to be on Dave's Team unfortunately only for one year but wished it was longer. And once you realize how much he CARES about helping his players become better, you realize just how much he KNOWS in regards to how to help each athlete reach their potential. It sure has worked for my son. Coach Dave's energy and enthusiasm is contagious . His training not only builds a strong/well conditioned athlete but his approach more importantly builds confidence in athletes to believe in their ability to reach new heights. Coach Dave is a true asset to the sport of Hockey and Coaching Program and we loved his Propel Hockey Development Clinics, top notch edge work, stick handling and shooting. Exactly what our son needed as a player.

I. Sadowski (Chicago Bulldogs)

I have known Coach Dave for the better part of a decade now. He was my son JC's mite coach and has trained him on and off over the years since. Dave inherited a rag-tag bunch of players that season and turned them into a 3rd place finish in the state and the league tournament by season's end. His attention to training and detail even with the youngest of players caught my eye as I am an ex college athlete so well versed in high end training and game theory. He is also passionate. Passionate about his players' development on and off the ice, as well team development. I know this from our frequent get -togethers where 10 years later he still brings the same energy he did a decade ago. He further understands best-in-class training techniques and drills, both on and off ice. He quotes innovation and goes about emulating it himself so not to be antiquated. In short, Coach Dave is a jewel in the hockey development world. Any student of his who puts the time in with Coach Dave will come out of it much better as a player and a person.

S. Cervieri (Highland Park Falcons)

I  just wanted to take a second and tell you what an amazing time my son had during the clinic yesterday! As soon as he got into the car we would stop talking to us about all the drills they did and how awesome both the coaches were. And has literally asked me to sign him up for every clinic. He has already asked me this morning if I checked the calendar on when he can go back!! 😂

E. Kesel (Northwest Chargers)

I first met coach Dave a couple years ago for a quick Mite Plus season. My son Anthony came home from his first practice and couldn’t stop talking about how awesome his coach is and how much fun practice was. He told me about everything he had learned and couldn’t believe how fast that hour went by. When I saw how coach Dave was with the kids, I was truly amazed. It’s not an easy task to keep young kids engaged. Coach Dave has a true love for the game and the way he teaches the kids is truly magical. The kids were engaged, learning and most importantly having a blast. Coach Dave not only wants to help kids on the ice but he understands that school is number one. Dave goes out of his way to make sure your child is doing the best they can in school. Coach Dave doesn’t make you feel like your apart of a team, he makes you feel like your family. I can’t thank him enough for everything he’s done for my son. Coach Dave is the best !

J. Ernst (Skokie Flyers)

Coach Dave was one of my boys favorite coaches as he made the game fun and challenging for them. Coach Dave interacts with his players on a constant basis, not only about hockey, but about school and family concerns. Not all players have the same skill set and Coach Dave would run practices geared towards a team concept in order to use all the players assets for the team. His innovated ways of writing on the pucks to remind the players what he taught them earlier. A few catch phrases my kids learned were TPW (Take the puck wide), Tic Tac Toe (triangle passes) and he doesn't want to see Benihana (chopping your stick over the puck like you are a steakhouse cook. I personally coached many kids and I saw how Coach Dave got the kids to listen to the same things I said for years. Both of my children played at high levels and have been assistants for some of the top coaches in the WORLD. When Coach Dave asked my son to be his assistant, he jumped at the offer. The game has to be fun or the kids will fight the parents and coach on all levels. Coach Dave makes the kids have fun and learn the game.

B. Grodsky (Highland Park Falcons)

My son’s 1st travel hockey experience was with Coach Dave back when he was nine years old. He came home about a month ago (now 17 years old), and informed me that he’d just had the “best morning ever”. I asked him why, and he said “because I just ran into Coach Dave”. Need I say more?!!

S. Reicin (Highland Park Falcons)

I have had the privilege of being Coach Dave’s assistant coach for 2 years. I could tell you about his practice preparation, or his love for the game of hockey, or dedication to his teams, but there is more to Coach Dave. We place our kids in the hands of coaches in all sports and trust they will turn them into better players. Well, Coach Dave does that and he does it well. But he also takes just as much pride in turning your kids into fine young men and women. He stressing the importance of school, having good manners, respecting your teammates, and thanking their parents. His locker room is always smiling. That's when you know you have a good person as your coach. Thanks Coach

B. Gempeler (Skokie Flyers) 

The “Coach Dave” hockey experience is a nurturing, positive, challenging and uplifting environment. My son had a transformative season with Coach Dave where he learned about life, friendships and becoming a good person while also improving his hockey skills. Coach Dave inspires kids to be their best selves both on and off the ice by emphasizing character building, teamwork and perseverance. He nurtured my son’s love for the game while also creating an environment that had a perfect balance of fun when it could be and serious when it needed to be! We feel very grateful to have found such an amazing coach and look forward to his support, guidance and coaching in the years to come!

J. Sandstrom (Evanston Wildkits)

If you are looking for a great hockey coach that is also a terrific human being to take your player to the next level - Coach Dave is that guy. As a hockey skills instructor - Dave is relentless getting his players to focus on proper skating fundamentals and he doesn’t allow short cuts. He is also sure to articulate the ‘why’ behind the importance of the proper fundamentals. Showing the players how they translate to game play. As a hockey coach - Dave is clear and consistent in the expectations he has for his players and his team. He is the best I have seen when it comes to bringing a positive attitude and outlook to his players. Constantly working with them to improve but doing so in a constructive and positive manner he earns the respect and endears himself to his players. Subsequently they work harder for him than other coaches because they trust that he believes in them. As a human being - Dave is sure to take a personal interest in each of his players. My son that played for Dave 7 years ago is still in touch with him. He is set to being his Freshman year of college in a month. Dave makes it a point to check in on him from time to time to ‘double check to make sure that you are doing well in school and treating your family the right way.’ My only regret is that we didn’t come across Coach Dave sooner so that my son could have been a player for him longer.

J. Molinaro (Icedogs)

I would like to take this opportunity to share my experience with having David McGowan coach my son Jack’s Squirt (10U) team for the 2019-2020 season. Dave was new to Evanston and was a breath of fresh air from the moment we met him. Dave has a true passion for coaching and for developing these young players to their true potential. He teaches speed, creativity and teamwork. Dave is extremely positive and has motivated our son in a very productive manner. My son says, “Coach Dave is the best coach ever”. He truly cares about his players and instilled a sense of community within the team. He made all of the players feel like they were a critical part of the team from the very 1st practice to the last minute of the championship game, Dave gave 100% and so did his players.

B. Perkins (Evanston Wildkits)

Dave McGowan is a dedicated, skilled, and passionate coach. He impressed me the first time I watched him on the ice with my daughter with his first-hand knowledge on how to control a group of young hockey players. His efficient organizational skills, his sense of humor and kindness made each practice meaningful and delight to watch. Dave possess every quality that you would want in a great coach. He is bright, motivational, passionate, displined, and hungry to get better. More importantly, he instills these same qualities in the players on and off the ice. You won't find a more committed, more caring coach in any ice rink than he is.

L. Condi (Chicago Bulldogs)

One of my favorite things about Coach Dave is that at the first practice of the season, he made it mandatory for parents to watch from the bench so he could explain the purpose of the drills. How many coaches do this? Right away there was an instant energy. And throughout the year, the kids had big smiles on their faces at every practice and every game. They were developing their skating, passing, and shooting at an elite level and didn't even know it, because they were busy having so much fun. That to me is 'Coach Dave Hockey'; developing at an elite level and having fun.

E. Kaulas (CYA)

I met Coach Dave a couple years ago at Skokie Skatium and was immediately interested in having him coach my 10U goalie son, Owen. He got onto Coach Dave's tournament team and played in an epic final game that they won in 11 rounds of shootout. After his tenure at Skokie Skatium we followed Coach Dave to Evanston. We were advised by many hockey families to "never follow a coach", but we've never been happier with a season of hockey in Owen's career. Coach Dave's crew of coaches were the best Owen's ever had. The three of them had a unique mixture of coaching knowledge, personality and empathy that pulled a ragtag team together and brought them to the final game of the NIHL Championship. Coach Dave always goes out of his way to communicate with parents and tries his utmost to keep his team positive. Owen is entering his rookie 12U season now, and my wife and I hope to have Owen on Coach Dave's teams as long as possible.

J. Dummeldinger (Evanston Wildkits)

I wanted to take a brief moment to share the wonderful experience that my 10 year old son (2nd year Squirt) and our family had on Coach Dave’s Evanston team in the winter of 2019/spring 2020. From the very first day of the season, Coach Dave created an environment where the players came to the rink excited, ready to improve, work hard, and have fun each day, which isn’t an easy task over a nearly seven month period of time. This was no doubt a result of Dave’s energy and enthusiasm that he showed in every interaction he had with his team. Once a week, Dave held a scheduled 6am Wednesday practice before school, which required a 5am wakeup. My son (typically not an early riser) never complained about getting out of bed for these practices the entire season. He genuinely loved starting the day with his coaches and teammates. It was a positive environment where he felt welcomed and supported. Dave also has a special gift of connecting with each player on a personal level. It didn’t matter if the player was quiet and reserved, outgoing, or somewhere in between. Dave learned what motivated each player and used this to get him/her to give their best and improve throughout the course of the season. The team was also successful record-wise during the season, reaching the NIHL finals for their division. On the morning of the championship game, Coach Dave personally called each player on the phone and told him how proud he was of them and how excited he was to be coaching them later in the day in the championship game. This was a very touching and meaningful moment that was special to my son. Although the game didn’t turn out as we hoped, I still recall Dave inviting all of the families into the locker room after the game and telling the team how proud he was of all of them because they had given their best effort. It was very clear how much Dave cared for the players. Perhaps the best and final example I can give about the culture that Dave created is that even after the season ended and the covid pandemic hit (nearly 5 months now), the players, their families and the coaches STILL convene together in their cars, and have ‘drive by’ birthday parades for each team member who has had a birthday while we have been under quarantine lockdown. The supportive family atmosphere that Dave created has lived on well after the season ended.

T. Corbett (Evanston Wildkits)

Coach Dave is a phenomenal coach and mentor. He was an extraordinary and inspirational coach to my two boys at the Falcons for years. Not only does he teach and motivate kids to learn and love the game of hockey but he truly cares personally about every player. His skating skill development is excellent. He is an asset to any hockey program and any kid would be lucky to have him as a Coach.

S. Jensen (Highland Park Falcons)